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Train stories


multiple tie tamper

multiple tie tamper Watching

Last week, I was surfing the internet wearing only my underwear when I heard the sound of gravel coming from outside the window.Thinking it might be track maintenance work, I put on my clothes, got on my bike, and headed to the side of the tracks.Mr. multiple tie tamper working.It was shining brightly.It's really cool Seiko Motor School […]

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I went to Musashi Takahagi Station 2018

I don't have any special feelings towards Musashi-Takahagi Station, but I had visited there when it was an old station building, so I decided to go there during Golden Week to relieve my lack of exercise.The current state of the home.As expected, the railroad crossing within the premises is gone (lol), but I found the remains of the railroad crossing at the tip of the platform ^

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