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I went to the exciting railway festival

Chichibu Railway Exciting Railway Festa

I didn't have any work or plans, so I took it easy.Chichibu Railwayfart.I went to Chichibu Railway's exciting railway festival, which is held once a year.To go there, take the Tojo Line via Yorii and get on the train to Hirose Yachonomori Station.

Along with the usual Deki-san.Chichibu Railway Deki500

This time pink appears for the first time.Personally, I really like it (lol)

The star of the Chichibu Railway, the C58 steam locomotive, is also on display.Chichibu Railway C58-363

Plasser & ToilerMr. multiple tie tamper.plasser & theurer 08-16

Chichibu & Tobu vehicle display.Chichibu Railway x Tobu Railway

If you look closely at Chichibu Railway, you'll see that it's the top number.The Tobu 8000 series is 8506F, which can enter Chichibu.It was in pretty good condition.

Although it was only in the morning, I was glad to be able to replenish my iron intake for the first time in a while^^ On the way back, I returned to work via the Takasaki, Saikyo, and Musashino lines.


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