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About me

Thank you very much for visiting Heiya Trains ^^ The person inside is Tom Hirano. The only reason I gave this site a different name was to make it easier for people from other countries to remember. The effect is unknown. People mistake it for Haier (lol) Why did he go to the trouble of naming it Hayer? I think you'll understand that later.

To introduce myself, I'm just a railway enthusiast. As a child, I used to draw pictures of trains. However, to the extent that I am a railway enthusiast, I have little interest in railroad technology. I simply seem to be in love with the looks of trains. I place emphasis on color and shape of railroad equipment. In that sense, model railroading may be the perfect hobby for me lol.

Then, I was no longer satisfied with just commercially available products, so I entered the world of making my own 3D printer (lol), but since I am a CAD amateur, I am forced to struggle.However, perhaps because I am exercising my brain, I feel like my concentration has improved and my brain's processing speed has also increased slightly.Maybe it's just my imagination (lol)

This is a site for killing time for train enthusiasts.This site introduces model crafting and posts pictures of trains taken on a whim, which wastes a lot of internet bandwidth.I try to be as accurate as possible when it comes to crafts and information, but since it's just a random comment from a random guy, there may be some lies and misunderstandings mixed in.Please carry out any work or modification at your own risk.

We have set up an inquiry form, but since it is a side-by-side activity, we often leave replies unanswered (^^;) Due to time constraints, we may not be able to reply.Please note.

Lastly, please note that this site contains links and advertisements of our own and other companies in some places. There may be some parts that are difficult to read, but I hope you understand.

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