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I went to the JR East Oku Vehicle Center to the public.

Oku Vehicle Center open to the public

The other day,JR EastOku Vehicle Center open day.I only visited you in the morning.Here are some photos from that time.

Unique to Oku.A clear sky with no overhead wires.

Oku Vehicle Center

EF64-37 & EF65-1102

DE10-1571 & 1751


Personally, I really liked Pokemon with You Train.Great coloring (lol)

Pokemon with you train

It was an old man desperately trying to take pictures from a low angle in poop style (lol)

In addition to the photos, the 12 series, 24 series, and Cassiopeia were also exhibited.I hope to be able to introduce them to you soon.

It's over.


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