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Happy New Year

Happy new yearWe launched this site in time for the new year. We would like to enhance the introduction of 3D modeling and self-made vehicles, so please take a look when you have time.

Our ambition is to set up a system that will allow us to distribute shells and parts to those who request them starting this year.Well, if there is someone who wants it lol

Changing the subject, the Happy New Year freight car is a junk freight car that was lying around.I improvised it by painting it gold and pasting decals on it.I painted it without removing the paint, so when you look at it close up, it looks pretty ratty (lol)

When I open it for New Year's, I'll probably remove the paint and go to the junk box again (lol)

Thank you for your continued support this year.I would like to increase the update frequency a little.


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