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Beer can tank car maintenance and repainting

Kodak beer can tank car

It was in a junk set I got on eBay.AtlasMade by Beer can tank car (Item No. 2462).At that time he was sold as a 26ft Chemical tank car.

Atlas 26ft Chemical Tank car

Judging from the package, this freight car appears to be a product from the 1970s or 1980s.The ladder was also damaged, but I took the opportunity to repair it and renovate it.

Molding of the ladder part

The damaged ladder part of the Beer can tank car was modeled in 3D and output using a modeling machine.It was a little difficult to make it to fit the hole on the tank side.

3dprinted ladder for beer can tank car

I also tried making the iron plate at the foot into a net shape, but it doesn't really make much sense (lol) Actually, after this, I made the handrail even thinner and redid it (no photo lol)

Just a little more detail

Looking at images of the actual Beer can tank car, it appears that both sides of the ladder are fixed with iron bars.The old product didn't have enough detail, so I added some details.However, I was worried about the strength of the 3D print, so I inserted brass.It seemed difficult to connect it to the ladder, so I just ran it through the back of the ladder.

I also tried making a hazardous material plate, but it was easy to remove and not very noticeable (lol).I also replaced the trolley with an Atlas 70ton accumate coupler.

Painted on a fictitious Kodak

Kodak the other daymini diesel switcherI made one, so I used Kodak to paint it.I arranged the mysterious painting that has existed only in the model world for a long time to my liking.It's a fantasy, but it's quite tasty.

Custom painted Kodak beer can tank car

For painting, I used easy-to-use Tamiya spray caramel yellow.And the decals were printed with my usual Alps Electric MD.However, in terms of content, it seems okay to use color laser,Kodak beer can tank car decal PDFI'll raise it.Please use it if you like (lol)

beer can tank car

Anyway, it turned out to be a good idea considering it was an impromptu dish.You too ^^

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